Back in 2015, Heathewick Studio’s architects announced that they were working on a 300,000 square-meter project: now the construction works of this monumental and original building have finally begun.

The “1000 Trees” project is located in Moganshan Road next to Shanghai’s famous arts district M50. In total, no less than 400 terraces will be built in order to make social interaction easier.

Filmmakers “Do not settle”, who are architects and designers as well, have already released some videos and pictures revealing the vastness of the project.

The main aim was to build a 300,000 square-meter mixed-use development in a residential area surrounded by concrete towers.

Intended to be a topographical element rather than a building, its structure symbolizes two tree-covered mountains with one thousand structural columns standing on them. Instead of hiding them, architects decided to let columns become the defining feature of the design.

Since the balconies face the river, the view will be amazing both on the waterside and on the skyline. All this greenery will be certainly appreciated by the inhabitants of Shanghai.